Thurston House

Thurston House
Thurston House Redevelopment

Questions and Answers

You may have many questions regarding the new home construction at Lincoln Road and we are hoping that we can answer some of these below:

Q – What is actually happening at 80 Lincoln Road? 
A – Accent Nene is working with locally based builder F E Peacock to refurbish Thurston House and build 21 new homes on the site. The refurbishment of the house will be sympathetic to its historic features and will involve the creation of an additional 4 two bedroom flats.
After taking on board views from local residents, the Peterborough Civic Society and other local stakeholders Accent Nene believes that the retention of the front half of the building will benefit the whole development and retain the best features of this Victorian building.
All of the homes are designed to be affordable for local people with 16 homes for rent and 9 homes for low-cost home ownership.
Q - What is happening in the initial stages of the work?

A – Soft Stripping of Thurston House which involves removing the office interior, along with specific internal walls and doors, in order to facilitate the proposed remodelling works. The rear extension of Thurston House will be carefully demolished , with a new rear wall to be constructed to form the extents of the building. The brickwork will in keeping with that of the existing building in order to maintain the character. In addition to these works, 80A Lincoln Road and the existing garage block at the rear of the site will be demolished to facilitate the construction of 9 houses.  Following on from the demolition, works will commence to form the proposed site access road and site drainage.

Q - How is the character of the building is going to be preserved?

The proposed design solution looks to preserve the character of the existing site by retaining much of Thurston House, which is being converted from offices to four dwellings, and by preserving the open space in front of the building to ensure that the existing Victorian frontage remains visible from Lincoln Road. The new interventions will complement Thurston House and take inspiration from the  surrounding area including a sympathetic selection of brick work and feature banding, matching existing roof materials and 'dog tooth' eaves brickwork detailing. The final scheme looks to marry together old with new, without detriment to the existing building and appearance of the development from Lincoln Road.

A - The contractors are now on site and construction work will formally commence within the next two weeks. We anticipate a build programme of approximately 15 months, completing by autumn 2012.
Key Programme Dates:

Build Phase
Anticipated Start
Anticipated End
Initial works and site clearing
Mid June 2011
August 2011
Refurbishment – Thurston House
Late summer 2011
Autumn 2012
New build construction
Autumn 2011
Autumn 2012

Q – What will the initial phase of work consist of?
A - The first phase of work will start within the next two weeks and will involve demolishing some of the outbuildings behind Thurston House and the back extension of the house itself – although this will not impact on the front of the house in anyway. 
At the same time F E Peacock will start work on the new road access into the site. Once this has been completed the contractors will lay foundations for the additional new homes.
Q – How will you manage construction noise, dust and disruption? 
A - F E Peacock are experienced home builders and will be working in accordance with the Considerate Constructors scheme. Whilst we cannot guarantee that there will be no noise or disruption, we have agreed with F E Peacock that the site will open at 7.30am with machinery not starting until 8am.  Deliveries will be managed in such a way as to minimise disruption to our neighbours.
Clearly, dust and noise will occur with demolition works but this can be minimised. Dust will be controlled on site by using dust suppression methods and the crushed building materials will be recycled and used again on site wherever possible.
Q – Are you going to cut down the trees? 
A - The trees at the front and southern edge of the site are to be retained. They are a local feature and we have worked hard with the planners and local tree officer to ensure that we protect the trees both during and after construction. Where necessary a root protection system will be used when laying down the new foundations.
Q - Where can we see the detailed plans?
A - Accent Nene is holding an open exhibition on 3 August 2011 for local residents to give everyone the opportunity to discuss the development, to view artist’s impressions of the site and home layouts; and to help select a new name for the street.  Site and home layouts are also available from our main reception at Manor House.
You can also visit our website to find out more:
Q - Who will you be letting the homes to when they are finished?
A – As a housing association, all Accent Nene homes are advertised through the choice based lettings scheme. This is the system used in Peterborough to allocate social housing. It gives people seeking accommodation with a social landlord a choice regarding the type of property and area of the city they would like to live in.
If you would like to be considered for the low-cost home ownership homes please contact the Accent Nene Sales and Marketing team on 01733 295488. You will then be advised of the process on how to apply.
Q - What do I do if I have any questions or a complaint?
A - Accent Nene is committed to working with local residents and stakeholders on this project.  If you should have a complaint or simply wish to discuss the project then do please contact us on 01733 295465 and ask to speak with Beverly Hill, development officer who will be happy to discuss your query.
Q - Who are the key partners working with us on this site?
Contractor                              :          F E Peacock Limited
Architects                              :          Saunders Boston Limited
Employers Agent                    :          Davis Langdon Limited
Health & Safety Advisor          :          Davis Langdon Limited

Q – Who do I contact if I have a query?
John Mcevoy - site manager           -   FE Peacock  - 07717 814489
Beverly Hill    - development officer  -   Accent Nene - 01733 295465
Q – When will the building work start and how long will it last?