Thurston House

Thurston House
Thurston House Redevelopment

Monday, 27 June 2011

Progress Report - week commencing 27 June 2011

The demolition works are due to commence within the next 7 to 10 days - the initial set up for this demolition will take some time to incorporate all the exclusion areas.  These areas are required to ensure the safety of all staff working on site and the protection of visitors.

The stripping out of Thurston House is now well underway and the attached photographs show just how far this has progressed.  The items which have been removed are being sorted in readiness for the recycling selection process.

Photographs showing interior of Thurston House and items collected for recycling

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Progress Report - week commencing 13 June 2011

The soft stripping of Thurston House which involves removing the office interior, along with specific internal walls and doors, in order to facilitate the proposed remodelling works is well underway. Demolition of the rear extension of Thurston House will be undertaken shortly; taking care not to disturb the remaining building, with a new rear wall to be constructed to form the extents of the building. The brickwork will be in keeping with that of the existing building in order to maintain the character. In addition to these works, 80A Lincoln Road and the existing garage block at the rear of the site will be demolished to facilitate the construction of 9 houses. Following on from the demolition, works will commence to form the proposed site access road and site drainage.

Accent Nene have distributed an resident update during the past week to give vital information regarding the works on site to local residents.  Hard copies of this update are available from Accent Nene's reception.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Progress Report - week commencing 31 May 2011

This week has seen good progress on site.  The sign-boards have been errected and the site office and site facility units have been delivered.   This allows the demolition of the small bungalow to the rear of Thurston House to take place, this had previously been used to provide on-site facilities. 

The removal of all asbestos materials from Thurston House has been completed and most of the internal fixtures and fittings have been removed and are stacked awaiting collection for recycling (a licensed waste management company have been appointed to deal with this).

The technical approval for the Section 38 has been registered which will allow the construction of the road to take place prior to the start of construction.  This will help the contractor to minimise the amount of mud and dirt being carried out onto the main highway.

There are a number of photographs below showing how the site looks this week:


Front of Thurston House

Site office

Rear of Lincoln Road - Items for recycling 

Rear of Thurston House

Internal Thurston House

Bathroom Thurston House