Thurston House

Thurston House
Thurston House Redevelopment

Friday, 25 November 2011

Progress Report - week commencing 21 November 2011

Over the last few days progress has been rapid on-site. The roof works to Thurston House is continuing with the repairing/repointing work to three of the five chimneys now completed. One of the chimneys will need to be taken down and rebuilt as it was shown to be in need of major repair following an engineers report. The rear elevation rebuild in now 70% complete and the use of bricks reclaimed from the demolition has resulted in the newbuild matching the existing building.

The interior of Thurston House has seen the new floating floors being installed and the battening out to the walls in readiness for the plasterboard is almost complete. Final detailing for the windows is still being discussed with planners and we are hopeful for final sign off shortly.

The block of flats to the front of the site are due to have the roof trusses installed over the next week and we are still hopeful that these will be made weather tight ahead of any adverse weather conditions.

Timber frames are now in place to the houses at the very rear of the site and the timber frames on the remaining houses are due to be in place over the next couple of weeks.

If you have any queries regarding the work on site please contact Beverly Hill at Accent Nene who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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